International Art & Antiques Expositions
- Penman Art & Antiques
Fairs: Throughout England, Year round.
- National Black Fine Art: New York, January.
- Art Show, ADAA: New York, February.
- New York Antiquarian Book Fair: New York, April.
- ART CHICAGO: Chicago, May.
- SOFA New York: New York, June.
- The Grosvenor House Art & Antiques Fair: London, June.
- Feria IberoAmericana de Arte : Caracas, June-July.
- International Contemporary Art Fair, Málaga, July.
- Paris FIAC, Paris, France. September.
- San Francisco International Art
Exposition: San Francisco, September.
- TEFAF BASEL: Basel, Switzerland. October-November.
- International Vintage Poster Fairs: New York,
Chicago & San Francisco, Oct.-Nov. April.
- International 20th Century Arts Fair: New York, November.
- SOFA CHICAGO: Chicago. November.
- Sanford Smith' Modernism Annual Fair: New York. November.
- Annual Print Fair: New York. November.
- Biennale Exhibition of Contemporary Art: Florence, December.
- Kensington Contemporary Art Fair: London.
To add or edit any international
art exposition.
Past International Art Expositions:
January 9-11: Gramercy International Contemporary Art Fair, The Raleigh,
Miami Beach, FL. First Gramercy International. Tel: (212) 979-7591, Fax:
(212) 7773134.
January 9-14: Art Miami, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami.
International Fine Art Expositions, Stuart, FL. Tel: (561)2202690, Fax: (561)
220-3180 .
February 1-5: International Spring Fair, National Exhibition Centre,
Birmingham, England. Trade Promotion Services. Call Adam Ash in Hoboken,
NJ, (201) 659-0134.
February 14-18: Ambiente '98, Frankfurt International Fair, Messe
Frankfurt. Call Gabby Pfaff in Atlanta, (770) 984-8016.
March 5-9: Artexpo New York, Jacob Javits Center, NewYork. Advanstar
Communications. Attendees telephone (800) 331-5706 or (218) 723-9130; exhibitors
telephone (800) 827-7170 or (216) 826-2885.
March 12-15: Art SOBE, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami. International
Fine Art Expositions. Tel: (561) 220-2690, Fax: (561) 220-3180.
May 17-19: Image 98, RAI
Exhibition Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Trade Promotion Services. Tel:
(011-44) 181-8559201, ext 3266. Fax: (011-44) 181854-2730.Email:
January 8-13 Art Miami, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach,
Fla. Call (407) 220-2690.
January 10-12 Art on Paper Fair, L.A. '97, Butterfield & Butterfield
building, Los Angeles. Call (310) 395-1465.
January 10-12 Colorado Indian Market and Western Showcase, Currigan
Hall, Denver. Call (303) 758-1118.
January 11 -12 Miami Art Fair, Raleigh Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Call
Tom Delevan, Gramercy International, (212) 979-7591. Fax (212) 777-3134.
January 16-19 Photo L.A., sixth Los Angeles Photographic Print Exposition,
Butterfield & Butterfield Galleries, Los Angeles. Call Stephen Cohen
Gallery at (213) 937-5525.
January 17-19 ABC LongBeach, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach,
Calif. Call (314) 421-5445.
January 17-20ArtDeco Weekend, 20th annual, Miami Beach, Fla. Telephone
(305) 672-2014.
January 24-26 Northern Wildlife Art Expo, eighth annual, Lansing Center,
Lansing, Mich. Call (517) 788-6044.
January 24-26- The Outsider Art Fair, fifth annual, The Puck Building,
New York. Call (212) 777-5218.
January 31-February 2 The National Black Fine Art Show, The Puck Building, New York. Call (212)
February 2-6 International Spring Fair, National Exhibition Centre
(NEC), Birmingham, England. Contact Adam Ash at (201) 659-0134.
February 6-10- Artexpo New York 1997, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center,
New York City. Exhibitors, contact The Advanstar Art Group at (800) 827-7170
or (216) 826-2858; visitors, (800) 331-5706, (218) 723-9130.
February 13-18 ARCO, 16th International Contemporary Art Fair, Juan
Carlos Exhibition Centre, Madrid, Spain. Call (305) 444-9500.
February 14-16 San Francisco Tribal, Folk & Textile Arts Show,
Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco. Call (310) 455-2886.
February 14-16 Southeastern WildlifeExposition, downtown Charleston,
S.C. Call (803) 723-1748.
February 14-18 Ambiente, International Frankfurt Fair, Frankfurt,
Germany. Call (770) 984-8016.
February 15-16 Scottsdale American Indian Old West and Tribal Art Show
and Sale, Embassy Suites Resort Pavil-ion, Scottsdale, Ariz. Call (520)
February 20-23- Artfair Seattle, sixthannual, Washington State Convention
Center, Seattle. Call (206) 624-7363.
February 20-23 SACA Europe, 15th annual, Bologna Trade Fair grounds,
Bologna, Italy. Telephone (011-39-2) 29017144 or fax (011-39-2) 29006279.
February 20-24 The Art Show, ninthannual, Seventh Regiment Armory,
Park Avenue at 67th Street, New York. Telephone (212) 777-5218, or (212)
February 21-23 Spokane Western ArtShow & Auction, 27th annual,
Ridpath Hotel, Spokane, Wash. Telephone(509) 838-5847.
February 22-23 National Wildlife Art Show, 25th annual, Overland Park
International Trade Center, Overland Park, Kansas. Call (913) 888-6927.
February 25-March 2 The Olympia Fine Art & Antiques Fair, Olympia, London. Call (011-44-171) 244-2219.
Web site:
March 6-9- SOFA Miami 1997, Coconut Grove Convention Center, Miami.
Call (800) 563-SOFA.
March 7-9- Works on Paper, The Park Avenue Armory, New York. Phone
Sanford L. Smith & Associates at (212) 777-5218.
March 7-9- The Photography Show '97, New York Hilton Hotel, New York.
Call (202) 986-0105 or fax (202) 986-0448.
March 8-16 The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF), Maastricht Exhibition
& Congress Centre (MECC), Maastricht, The. Netherlands. Contact Sue Bond
Public Relations, (011-44-171) 381-1324 or fax (011-44-171) 610-1890.
March 14-16 Los Angeles Arts of Pacific Asia Show, Santa Monica Civic
Auditorium, Santa Monica, Calif. Call (310) 455-2886.
March 15-16- Arizona Senior Expo and Coyote Art Fest, third annual,
Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix. Call (602) 905-1755 or fax (602) 948-2590.
March 22-26 The International Asian Art Fair, second, Seventh Regiment Armory, New York. Call (212)
382-0969; (011-44-171) 734-5491 (London).
April 3-79 Art Americas, third annual, Miami Beach Convention Center,
Miami Beach, Fla. Call (407) 220-2690.
April 10-18 International Home Furnishings Market, High Point, N.C.
Call l (910) 889-0203.
April 18-20 Restoration '97, Inforum, Atlanta. Call (508) 664-6455
or fax (508)664-5822. E-mail:
April 23-28 SAGA '97, Prints, Photographs, Drawings, Espace Eiffel
Branly, Paris. Call (011-33-1) 41-90-47-47 or fax (011-33-1) 41-90-47-00.
April 26-May 1Art Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany. Call (770) 984-8016
orfax (770) 984-8023.
I MAY I May 9-14 The International Fine Art Fair, Paintings, Drawings,
Sculpture,Seventh Regiment Armory, New York. Phone (212) 382-0969 or
(011-44-171)734-5491 (London).
May 10-11 The Los Angeles Modernism Show, Santa Monica Civic Auditorium,
Santa Monica, Calif. Telephone(310) 455-2886.
May 17-18 APC Washington, The Capitol Expo Center , Fairfax County,
Va. Call (314) 421-5445
May 2-18 Taos Spring Arts Festival, Taos, NM. Call (800) 732-8267.
May 9-12 Art 1997 Chicago, Navy Pier, Chicago. Telephone (312) 587-3300
or (312) 587-3304.
May 9-14 The International Fine Art Fair, Paintings, Drawings, Sculptilre,
Seventh Regiment Armory, Park Avenue at 67th Street, New York. Call (212)
642-8572 or (011-44-171) 734-5491 (London).
May 10 11 The Los Angeles Modernism Show, Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, Calif. Call
(310) 455-2886.
June 5-15 The Olympia Fine Art & Antique Fair, Olympia, London.
Contact P&O Events at (011-44-171) 370l 8234 or fax (011-44-171) 370-8221.
June 11-18- Art28 '97, The lnternational Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland.
Call (011-41- 61) 686-20-20 or fax 686-21-88, e-mail, internet
June 12-21 The Grosvenor House Art & Antiques Fair, Grosvenor
House, Park Lane, London. Telephone (011-44-171) 381-1324 or fax (011-44-171)
June 25-27 IFM Asia,
Ariake,Tokyo, Japan. Telephone Messe Frankfurt at (770) 984-8016 or fax (770)
•July 10 September 2 Kimball Art Center Rocky Mountains
Invitational, Kimball Art Center, Park City, Utah. Telephone (800) 279-0140.
July 17 20 Photo Santa Fe, Sweeney Convention Center, Santa Fe, N.M.
Call Stephen Cohen Gallery at (213) 937-5525, fax (213) 937-5523.
July 20 Folk Art to Funk,
Fort Mason Center, San Francisco. Call Caskey-Lees at (310) 455-2886.
August 9-10 Sculpture in the Park, 14th annual Benson Park, Loveland,
Colo. Call (800) 551-1752 or (970) 663-2940.
August 23-27 Tendence,
International Frankfurt Fair, Frankfurt, Germany. Call (770) 984-8016.
September 6 November 9 Birds in Art Exhibition, Leigh Yawkey Woodson
Art Museum, Wausau, Wis. Call (715) 845-7010.
September 7-10 lnternational Autumn Fair, National Exhibition Centre
(NEC), Birmingham, England. Call Adam Ash at (201) 659-0134.
September 19-21 New York Arts of Pacific Asia Show, Gramercy Park
Armory, Lexington Avenue at 26th Street, New York. (310) 455-2886.
September 19-October 5 Taos Fall Arts Festival, Taos, N.M. Call (800)
September 20 Arts for the Parks Top 100 Awards Ceremony and Banquet,
Jackson Hole, Wyo. Call (800) 553-2787 or (307) 733-2787.
September 20 November 2 Artists of America Exhibition and Sale, Colorado
History Museum, Denver. Call (303) 893-5454.
September 20 0ctober 19 Stratton Arts Festival, Stratton Mountain,
Vt. Call (802) 297-3265.
September 26 28 Northern Plains Tribal Arts, Sioux Falls, S.D. (800)
September 26-28 Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show, Seattle Center Exhibition
Hall, Seattle. Call (206) 596-6728.
September 26-28 Prints/Chicago, 12th annual, Lakeshore Center Facility
of Northwestern University, Chicago. Call (312) 243-6481.
October 16-24: International Home Furnishings Market, High Point,
NC. Tel: (910) 888-3700, Fax (910) 882-1873.
October 24-27: Artexpo Los Angeles, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles. Advanstar
Communications, Cleveland. Attendees call (800) 331-5706 or (218) 723-9130;
exhibitors call (800) 827-7170 or (216) 826-2885.
December 5-7: Gramercy International Contemporary Art Fair, Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles. First
Gramercy International, New York City. Tel: (212) 979-7591, Fax: (212)
Saga - FIAC Edition : Paris, France. April.
International Vintage Poster Fairs.: New
York & Chicago. April.
New York: April 12-14, 96.
- >Chicago: April 11-13, 1997.
Internazionale Dell' Antiquariato: Milan,
Italy. May.
ART 1997 Chicago : Chicago, Illinois.
May 9-12, 1997.
The Grosvenor House Art & Antiques
Fair: London, England. June.
Feria IberoAmericana de Arte: Caracas,
Venezuela. June.
TEFAF BASEL : Basel, Switzerland. Oct -
Penman Art & Antiques Fairs: Throughout
England, Year round.
SOFA CHICAGO 1997, Chicago, Illinois. Oct - Nov. Call: 1.800.561-SOFA
November 8-10 The Print Fair, sixth annual, The Park Avenue Armory,
New York. Call Sanford L. Smith & Associates, (212) 777-5218.
November 8-10 Waterfowl Festival, Easton, Md. Call (410) 822-4567.
November 14-17 Modernism: A Century of Style and Design, 11th annual,
The Park Avenue Armory, New York. Call Sanford L. Smith & Associates,
(212) 777-5218.
November 10-17 Art Cologne 1996, Cologne Exhibition Centre Rhineside
Halls, Cologne. Call Dirk Mangold, (01149-221) 8212907 or fax 8213446.
November 13-17 Art Asia '96, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Hong Kong. Telephone (407) 220-2690.
November 13-19 The Olympia Fine Art & Antiques Fair, National Hall, Olympia, London. Call P&O
Events, (011-44-171) 244-2219, or visit web site
December 5-9 Art International Seoul '96 (AIS), Korea Exhibition Center
(KOEX), Seoul, South Korea. Call (01182-2) 739-8221, fax 739-4014.
December 6-10, 1997, Guangzhou International Art Fair,
Guangzhou City, China. Email :
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